Govt fooling people with ‘wrong’ GDP statistics: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday alleged that the government is trying to fool the country’s people by spreading wrong statistics about the country’s economic growth.
“The government is carrying out a campaign that Bangladesh is now on the crest of development, and it has become a middle-income country. This is a complete deception. They’re giving people wrong statistic and explanation in a bid to fool them,” he said.
Fakhrul came up with the remarks while speaking at a rally arranged by Jatiyatabadi Jubo Dal at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, protesting the raid on BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan office.
Depicting the country’s ‘real’ economic condition, he said remittance flow and export growth are declining gradually while there is no new investment. “While people are not getting jobs, farmers are being deprived of fair prices of their produces.”
The BNP leader said the government is destroying the country’s all potentials in a planned way. “All hopes and aspirations of the country’s people will be shattered if the government perpetuates its power.”
To get rid of the current situation, Fakhrul called upon his party colleagues to get united and spread across the country to ensure the fall of the current government through an election in a democratic manner.
Denouncing the police raid on Khaleda’s office, the BNP leader asked the government to inform people what action is taken against those carried out the drive based on wrong information.
Referring to Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader’s comment that the raid was conducted based on intelligence report, he said, “Carrying out any drive on false intelligence report is dangerous for the country. A questioned has risen in public mind whether the country is run by inelegance agencies? Whether the intelligence agencies are confusing the government? Obaidul Quader should answer these questions.
He described the government as illegal and alleged it has been crushing people with its steamroller over the last three years to implement is evil designs.
The BNP leader said the government has started arresting BNP leaders and activists across the country as it has got unnerved as their party presented its ‘Vision 2030’.
He further accused the government of using law enforcers to suppress BNP leaders and activists and make its political gain.
Fakhrul warned that the law enforcers who are now oppressing BNP leaders and activists must be accountable to people someday. “The government is now trying to regulate media after establishing its control on police. It’s also trying to control the judiciary.”
The BNP leader also voiced concern that the prices of daily essentials are shooting with the arrival of Ramadan, causing sufferings to people.