Govt employees demand 60pc pay hike


Staff Reporter :
The government employees have demanded 60 per cent pay hike for the interim period until a new national pay scale is announced.
The third class officers and employees have threatened a tougher movement if their demands are not implemented.
 The Bangladesh III-Class Government Employees Association drew the attention of the government through a press conference held at the city’s Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) on Saturday.
 “Prices of gas, electricity, water, medical expenses and other necessities have been increasing abnormally in the last seven years after the last national pay scale was given in 2015. The limited income people have been passing very miserable life due to abnormal price hike of essential items.
It is essential to provide new national pay scale in this situation,” Bangladesh III-Class Government Employees Association Secretary General Saljar Rahman said in a written statement at the press conference.
Among others, association’s President Lutfor Rahman, Executive president Nurunnabi, Vice-president Selim Molla and Additional secretary general Taposh Kumar attended the press conference.
Saljar Rahman said that a permanent pay commission and a permanent employment commission should be formed immediately by ensuring employee’s representation.
” In line with the cost of living, new (9th) National Commission should be announced immediately and new pay scale should be implemented in 10 pay scales like the pay commission announced by the Awami League government in 1973,” he said.
Time scale and selection grade should be reintroduced, the association’s secretary general said adding that 100 per cent time scale and selection grade should be provided to all the third class employees.
They also demanded 30 per cent radiation allowance for ICT employees, 30 per cent hill allowance for hill employees and 50 per cent tourism allowance of the basic salary for employees in tourism departments including in Cox’s Bazar.
“It is needed to introduce one and the identical recruitment rules for the employees of the republic. The outsourcing recruitment in government institutions should be stopped and all the vacancies in the third class category posts should be filled up immediately,” Saljar Rahman said.
If the demand is not implemented, the third class officers and employees have threatened a severe movement.
The government employees will submit a memorandum to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on May 24 to meet their demands.
Besides, rallies to be organized from 26th May to 9th June in various departments and institutions of the city, administrative departments and districts in support of their demands.
A human chain program will be held in front of the Jatiya Press Club on June 11 if their demands are not met.
