Govt conspiring to “kill” Khaleda: Fakhrul


UNB, Dhaka :

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Friday alleged that the government is conspiring to ‘kill’ their party’s ‘critically ill chairperson Khaleda Zia slowly by not allowing her to go abroad for advanced treatment.
“We want you (govt) to let her (Khaleda) go abroad for treatment. It’s a minimum demand. It’s not a matter of kindness, magnanimity and humanity as it’s her civic right. You’re saying she’s a convicted person. A convicted person is a citizen of the country who has the civic right,” he said.
Speaking at a human-chain programme, the BNP leader said the country’s most political parties, various organisations and intellectuals have long been urging the government to give her a scope for treatment outside the country.
“But our leader Begum Khaleda Zia is being killed slowly very consciously by convicting her in false cases. The world knows it,” he said.
Fakhrul warned that people have started waking up and they will oust the government through a strong mass upsurge if anything bad happens to Khaleda for lack of treatment abroad.
Jatiyatabadi Krishak Dal arranged the programme in front of the Jatiya Press Club, demanding the BNP chief’s treatment abroad.
About Khaleda’s health condition, Fakhrul said she is bleeding and if it continues for a long time she will not survive.
“You all know she (Khaleda) has been suffering from liver cirrhosis. “This s a very critical disease. There’s no such treatment for this disease in our country. This disease is treated better only in the United States, the UK and Germany,” he said.
The BNP leader said Khaleda has been fighting for life every moment at Evercare Hospital. “Under such a situation, we’ve to play a big role. We must wake up and establish justice, fairness, and a democratic government and free our leader Khaleda Zia.”
He urged all to pray for the recovery of the BNP chief on this holy day of Juma’.
Khaleda, a 76-year-old former prime minister, has been receiving treatment at Evercare Hospital for various health complications since November 13.
Her medical board members said Khaleda immediately needs to go abroad for better treatment as she was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis.
On behalf of her family, Khaleda’s younger brother, Shamim Iskander, submitted an application to the Home Ministry on November 11 urging the government to allow her to go abroad for better treatment.
However, Law Minister Anisul Huq said the government will consider Khaleda Zia’s appeal if she submits a fresh petition after returning to jail.
