Govt conspiring to kill Khaleda: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP joint secretary general Salahuddin Ahmed on Thursday accused the government of conspiring to cruelly kill BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia.
“The entire nation is observing with concern that food and fresh water supply to the BNP chairperson’s Gulshan office were stopped by the police men on Thursday night. Khaleda Zia and all others staying inside the office are starving,” he claimed in a statement around 4:31pm.
Following the policy of killing people without food and water, the BNP leader said, “Sheikh Hasina is plotting to kill Khaleda Zia
in a brutal manner.” Salahuddin alleged that government having failed to move Khaleda even an inch from people’s movement to establish people’s rights set up a heinous and barbaric example in history by stopping supply of food and water to her office. “Thus, the Awami League government has dented Bangladesh’s dignity before the world.”
Mentioning that Khaleda is ready to make any sacrifice for realising people’s justified rights, he said their movement will continue until the fall of this regime.
He alleged that the ruling party is constantly trying to brand BNP as a militant organisation. “As part of this plot, Awami League is carrying out violence and subversive acts like hurling petrol bombs through criminals to shift the blame on the opposition in a bid to get sympathy from local and international communities.”