Govt cancels certificates of 116 fake FFs, JS told


State Minister for Public Administration Begum Ism. Ara Sadeque mid the government has can-celled the certificates and g.ettes of 116 fake free¬dom fighters.’Me work to identify fake freedom fighters is underway … the National Security Intelligence (NSI) has already identified 016 fake certificates of free-dom fighters and neces-sary action has already been taken in this regard,” she told the house on Tuesday while replying to a tabled question of freas¬my bench member M Abdul Latif.Referring to the fake freedom fighter’s certifi-cate, she mid intelligence regencies including the NSIare working to identifyfake freedom fighter’s cer¬tificates and gaaettm. Ismat Ara said the gov-ernment would take nec-essary steps to cancel fake certificates of freedom fighters following the rec-ommendations of agencies of the intelligence.
