Investment in IT sector: Govt, BCG to launch CEO Outreach Prog

UNB, Dhaka :
The government in collaboration with US-based global management consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is going to launch CEO Outreach Programme (COP) to boost investment and create job opportunities in the ICT sector, officials said.
They said, State Minister for ICT Zunaid Ahmed Palak will inaugurate the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Outreach Programme on July 31 at a city hotel.
Officials said the World Bank-financed Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance (LICT) Project of Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) under ICT Division has appointed BCG to work for international business-to-business (B2B) development and matchmaking programme among IT firms and CEOs.
“The entire spectrum of activity under CEO outreach programme will help bring investment and create job opportunities for the IT sector,” said Palak.
He said, the BCG has been asked to carry out a short- and long-term international B2B business development plan and matchmaking programme among IT companies to bring investment and enhance ICT export earnings.
“The government under Sheikh Hasina’s visionary leadership and at the
suggestions of ICT Affairs Adviser to the PM has set the ICT export target up to $5b by 2021,” the ICT state minister said adding that the government has taken various initiatives, including implementation of ICT infrastructure and appointment of BCG, to achieve the target.
Palak said, the Jessore Sheikh Hasina Software Technology Park is ready for the investors, and local and foreign companies are coming to invest there.
There will be huge ICT infrastructure ready for the investors of both and local and foreign ones as the construction of IT Parks in Kaliakoir, Rajshahi and Sylhet is going on, he said.
According to sources, BCG has started talking to stakeholders to carry out a long-term international B2B business development and matchmaking programme that will help bring investment for the ICT sector, creating jobs and catalysing subsequent industry growth.
BCC Executive Director Swapan Kumer Sarker said the business development activity and matchmaking programme are very important for the country’s IT sector. This activity under CEO outreach programme will help increase ICT export, he said.
LICT component team leader Sami Ahmed said a comprehensive programme of activities are being launched under COP that will attract a targeted number of international IT/ITES captive or non-captive operations in Bangladesh.
LICT Project Director Md Rezaul Karim said a brief and targeted sector instrument strategy will be developed for assessing the potential of the IT/ITES market with a specific focus on demand side activities needed to bring international IT/ITES businesses and jobs enabled by validation of requisite supply side enablers.