Govt assures `tree man` Abul of all medical costs

block :Health Minister Mohammad Nasim has said the government will bear all costs of ‘tree man’ Abul Bajandar’s treatment.The minister came up with the statement while addressing a press conference at Dhaka Medical College Hospital’s burn unit on Thursday afternoon. He said that Abul’s photo will be sent to renowned doctors in Asian subcontinent to get their consultation. Nasim urged the doctors to provide Abul the best treatment with their great care. Abul, 26, has been suffering from extremely rare genetic skin disease epidermodysplasia verruciform, which is also referred to as the “Tree Man Disease”, an immune deficiency.It causes abnormal susceptibility to human papilloma viruses (HPVs), which eventually leads to the overgrowth of scaly macules and papules, especially on the feet and hands. Abul is the fifth person in the world and first in Bangladesh reported to be suffering from the disease. The others are Ion Toader, Dede Kosawa, Zainal and Ivan. Dede and Zainal hail from the same area in Indonesia. Ivan is from Netherlands but his father grew up
