Govt-ADB to ink $200m loan deal for BR modernisation

Economic Reporter :
The government will sign tomorrow a $200 million loan deal with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for modernising Bangladesh Railway (BR) to increase its passengers and goods transport capacities. The development partner is providing the loan under the ‘Railway Rolling Stock Project’.
ADB’s Country Director and Residence Mission Chief Kazuhiko Higuchi and Senior Secretary of Economic Relations Division (ERD) Mohammad Mejbahuddin will sign the agreement on behalf of their respective sides.
According to the project document, the funding will help improve railways transport capacity on key routes such as the Dhaka-Chittagong and Dhaka-Khulna mainline by supporting the capacity building initiatives of the BR.
With the ADB’s fund, BR will purchase 264 passenger carriages, 10 diesel electric locomotives for meter gauge main line network, four relief cranes, two train washing plants and one simulator for loco-master training.