Government is in no position to lecture UN: UN is not expected to listen Charter


BANGLADESH ambassador to the UN reiterated the importance of ensuring safety and security of the peacekeepers for their invaluable contribution in saving people in various global conflict zones and tackling other humanitarian challenges. The envoy made the call taking part in debate at the UN General Assembly’s fourth committee’s meeting on Thursday which is mandated to address diverse set of political issues, including decolonization, Palestinian question, UN peacekeeping, special political missions, and peaceful uses of outer space. Bangladesh is a major contributor to UN peacekeepers helping to stabilize some risky places in the world.
The Bangladesh envoy on this occasion has also condemned Israel’s continued violation of international law including Security Council Resolutions and human rights of the Palestinian people as it is going with full impunity. She reaffirmed Bangladesh’s unwavering support to the Palestinian people including their right to self-determination based on two-state solution with East Jerusalem as its capital.
The envoy has also called for more political support behind the world body to address the Rohingya issue as Myanmar is paying no heed to international call and evidently will not without credible action on the part of the World body.  
Need no mention that the victims are Muslims in both cases rooted out from their homes. The sad thing is that the UN has de facto acquiescence the Israel occupation of Palestine while in case of Rohingya crisis it is not similarly showing any strong appetite in bringing credible pressure on Myanmar to resolve the crisis. In our view debate in the UN over such issues is just a routine matter now; the UN has just lost its relevance.
The Palestine sceneries are also rapidly changing when most Arab monarchs and despotic rulers having no contacts with their people are making shameful peace with Israel without bringing peace for the Palestinians. The US President Donald Trump is curbing out a new Middle East order at the moment in which the Palestinians have been virtually asked to surrender. The point is that when Arabs are abandoning the Palestinians and Arab pride, the call by the UN ambassador to mitigate the Palestinian issue now virtually makes no sense.
