Government has to take blame for mismanagement in WASA


The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Undertakings has expressed utmost dissatisfaction over Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority for its failure in providing safe drinking water to citizens, dealing with the waterlogging problem and alleged widespread corruption of its officials. The JS body asked the Dhaka WASA managing director to take immediate measures to free the organization from corruption and ensure that people get proper service from there. Like general people, DWASA MD’s comment in last April about tap water being 100 per cent pure was also criticized by several MPs.
On April 17, Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) in a report said that 91 percent WASA subscribers had to boil the supply water to make it drinkable and, in the process, burned gas worth Tk 332 crore a year. The TIB findings also showed that nearly 45 percent subscribers do not get the desired amount of water, while about 35 percent complained about poor-quality water throughout the year. On April 20, the WASA MD had publicly challenged the report, saying the TIB claims were not based on facts.
City dwellers have long been complaining that the old and leaked WASA supply lines are mainly responsible for rampant water contamination. With 3.74 lakh connections in its 360 sq km service area in Dhaka city and Narayanganj, the WASA supplies 240 crore litres of water per day. The water is brought to homes of city dwellers through a network of 60,000km of supply lines — 36,000km of which are derelict – 150 years old pipes.
When the government itself is incompetent and looks for loyalty for authoritarianism no part of the government can prove successful. The government is desperate to continue in power without caring for public accountability or competence anywhere. The government was not anxious to have competent persons in responsible places. Besides, if we really want efficiency in WASA or in any ministry then we must have a government itself competent. We have also to remember that massive corruption cannot make a government able and competent.
So do not blame WASA. Tell us where the government is successful.
