Good news for prisoners’ relatives


Good news for the relatives of prisoners! They will soon able to talk to their relatives living in jails over mobilephone. Additional Inspector General (Prisons) Col Fazlul Kabir came up with the disclosure while briefing reporters at his office in Old Dhaka on Saturday.
The press briefing was organised to inform journalists about the Jail Week 2016 from January 20-26. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is likely to inaugurate the Jail Week on the Kashimpur Jail premises in Gazipur on January 20.
Col Fazlul Kabir said, prisoners in many countries can talk to their relatives and lawyers over mobile phone. “We’ve already formulated a policy in this regard and the Home Ministry has already been approved it.”
About the Jail Week 2016, the Additional IG (Prisons) said the main theme of this year’s Jail Week is ‘Ebarer Ongikar, Karagar Hok Shangsodhonagar’.
The Week will be celebrated in all the 68 jails across the country from January 20-26.
Fazlul Kabir said, they will celebrate the Week with various objectives, including turning the jails into correction centres, increasing services inside the jails, changing views of the jail employees, and introducing specific dresses and rank badges for the officers and employees.
He said the Department of Prison and Rapid Action Battalion have jointly been working on a database of the prisoners. The main server of the database will be controlled by the prison authority, he added.
