Gonoshasthaya’s mobile Covid team to go door steps


Staff Reporter: Dr. Zafrullah Chowdhury, the Trustee of the Gonoshasthaya Kendra on Thursday announced that the team of his hospital will go people’s door steps for rending Covid treatment services. 

He launched mobile Covid treatment service with a view to provide Covid treatment at doorsteps of Covid patients in the capital.

It will serve the people with Covid treatment across the city from 9:00am to 8:00pm.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University’s former Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Nazrul Islam inaugurated the medical service at a virtual event held at Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital at Dhanmondi in Dhaka.

Nazrul Islam said that many patients were not getting hospital facility after contracting Covid but if they were given proper treatment at their houses it would be a great relief for them.

‘People will be benefited if the mobile medical is ensured for them,’ he said.

Dr. Zafrullah as the chair of the event said that the organisation would give free service and medicine but would take charges for only Covid testing.


He said that they had taken the initiative to provide treatments at doorsteps to show that better healthcare could be provided at patients’ doorsteps very easily.

The founder of the Kendra said, a thermometer, a pulse oximeter and a machine to measure blood pressure with some medicine were enough to treat Covid patients at their houses.

He said that the treatment of Covid patient was not difficult and any literate person could provide Covid treatment after a simple training.

‘Without collective efforts, this initiative would not be successful. I want cooperation from the government too,’ he said.

GK is also to train up relatives of infected patients so that they could follow up the patient’s progress with Covid-19.

People were requested to contact Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital at Dhanmondi or 9670071-5, 9673512, 9673509, 01709663998, +8809602111940 and +8809602111941 for GK’s mobile health service.

Dr. Zafrullah said that GK was also providing cheap ICU support and had opened a dedicated Covid ward in the hospital for critical patients. 
