Gonoshasthaya Hospital introduces trauma center for poor patients


Staff Reporter :
Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital, Dhanmondi branch, has introduced low cost trauma and orthopedic center for poor patients.
Prominent Orthopedic Surgeon Professor Md. Abdus Sattar Chowdhury is working with the newly introduced center.
A press release issued from the hospital said, the center will have international standard and will be cheap in cost for the marginal income group of people.
Professor Dr. Abdus Sattar Chowdhury previously worked for the Evercare Hospital, BIRDEM, Ad-Din and Islami Bank Hospitals with reputation as orthopedic surgery specialist and trauma surgeon for long.
He achieved a reputation over heap and knee transplantations with low cost for about 14 years.
Besides, he has reputation for treating all types of broken bones.
He is able to bring back normal of all types of broken bones, large broken bones of hands and legs after setting screw plates or interlocking nails very efficiently and cheaper in cost.
