Golam Rahman, Managing Director of Deshbandhu Polymer Limited, presiding over its 12th AGM at its registered office: Kawadi,Charsindur, Palash, Narsingdi, on Monday. Liakat Ali Khan, Company Secretary was also present. The AGM approves 5percent dividend for its share holders for the year 2017-18.

Golam Rahman, Managing Director of Deshbandhu Polymer Limited, presiding over its 12th AGM at its registered office: Kawadi,Charsindur, Palash, Narsingdi, on Monday. Liakat Ali Khan, Company Secretary was also present. The AGM approves 5percent dividend f
Golam Rahman, Managing Director of Deshbandhu Polymer Limited, presiding over its 12th AGM at its registered office: Kawadi,Charsindur, Palash, Narsingdi, on Monday. Liakat Ali Khan, Company Secretary was also present. The AGM approves 5percent dividend f

