Gogoi flays Modi on BD issue

bdnews24.com :
Days after India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi averted referring to the issue of ‘illegal migration’ from Bangladesh during his visit to Assam, Chief Minister of the northeastern state Tarun Gogoi lambasted the former for his silence on it.
Modi had never missed an opportunity to rake up the issue while he was in the opposition.
During the 2014 Parliamentary elections, Modi vowed to push back all the illegal Bangladeshi migrants from northeast especially Assam if voted to power.
“After coming to the
power the present BJP-led NDA government at the Centre has taken U-turns on issues like pushing back illegal migrants from Bangladesh, stopping rhino killings, lower Subansiri dam construction, granting ST status to six ethnic communities,” Gogoi said in New Delhi on Friday.
Gogoi even dared Modi’s cabinet colleague and Assam BJP chief Sarbananda Sonowal to come out with a “White Paper” on what the erstwhile BJP government (led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee) and the present government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi did for Assam “instead of spreading canards against former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the Congress government in the state.”
 “People are witnessed to the developments that have taken place in various sectors like roads, health and education. Assam has surpassed even big states like Gujarat in some key parameters,” Gogoi claimed. Gogoi also accused Modi of neglecting Assam and the northeast.
“Why his government has deprived the state of the special category status, put under suspension the North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy, changed the funding pattern of centrally-sponsored schemes and slashed funds from the Ministry of DoNER against NLCPR and NEC,” Gogoi asked.