Global fatality rises to 6,53,292


News Desk :
Fatality from Covid-19 has risen to 6,53,292 globally while infected 1,64,80,680 and recovered 1,00,91,141 till Monday afternoon , according to the latest report of worldometer.
In USA, 43,71,839 people have been infected with the disease. Of them, 1,49,849 people have died and 20,90,129 people have recovered. Active cases are 21,31,861.
In Brazil, 24,19,901 people have been infected with coronavirus. Of them, 87,052 patients have died and 16,34,274 recovered.
In UK, 2,99,426 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Of them, 45,752 patients have died.
In Italy, 2,46,118 people have been infected in the disease. Of them, 35,107 people have died and 1,98,446 people have recovered.
In Mexico, 3,90,516 people have been affected with coronavirus. Of them, 43,680 died and 2,51,505 recovered from the disease.
In France, 1,80,528 people have been infected with the disease. Of them, 30,192 patients have died and 80,815 patients have recovered.
In Spain, 3,19,501 patients have been diagnosed with coronavirus. Of them, 28,432 have died in the country.
In India, 14,40,371 people have been affected with coronavirus. Of them, 32,866 people have died and 9,21,303 people have recovered from the disease.
In Iran, 2,91,172 people have been infected with coronavirus. Of them, 15,700 patients have died and 2,53,213 patients have recovered.
In Peru, 3,84,797 people have been infected in the disease. Of them, 18,229 have died and 2,67,850 have recovered.
In Russia, 8,18,120 people have been infected in the disease. Of them, 13,354 have died and 6,03,329 have recovered.
In Belgium, 66,026 people have been affected with coronavirus. Of them, 9,821 people have died and 17,439 people have recovered from the disease.
In Germany, 2,06,741 people have been affected with Covid-19 disease. Of them, 9,203 patients have died and 1,90,600 people have recovered.
In Canada, 1,13,911 people have been infected from the disease. Of them, 8,890 people have died and 99,355 have recovered.
In China, 83,891 people have been infected in the disease. Of them, 4,634 people have died and 78,918 have recovered. Active cases are 339.
