Global death soars 2,53,216 in Covid-19


News Desk :
Global death soared to 2,53,216 in Covid-19 while infected 36,71,383 in 210 countries and territories and recovered 12,11,103, according to worldometer.
The United States recorded deaths to 69,925 with total cases 12,13,010 — together accounting for more than 85 percent of global fatalities.
An internal government estimate in Washington forecast an even worsening number of fatalities for the country. It said the daily COVID-19 death toll could double by the end of May.
US President Donald Trump has acknowledged that deaths will go beyond his earlier prediction of 60,000, saying: “We’re going to lose anywhere from 75, 80 to 100,000 people.”
His estimate underscored the tough, politically-tinged debate over reopening, which pits concerns about a rising death toll against the need to restore national economies shattered by prolonged shutdowns.
On Monday US manufacturing giant General Electric announced it will cut an additional 10,000 jobs from its aviation sector as the pandemic decimates the industry.
The economic fallout prompted the US Treasury to announce it will borrow a record $3 trillion in the April-June period, largely to finance spending on virus relief programmes.
Researchers at the University of Washington have nearly doubled their forecast for deaths in the US as lockdowns are eased. The revised estimates follow a New York Times report based on government documents that say the country could see as many as 3,000 coronavirus deaths a day by June 1.
Deaths from the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy climbed by 195 on Monday, against 174 the day before, the Civil Protection Agency said, but the daily tally of new infections declined to 1,221 from 1,389 on Sunday.
Italy’s daily death toll in recent weeks has always fallen on Sundays and risen the following day, while the underlying trend has been steadily declining since a peak above 900 daily fatalities around the end of March.
The total death toll since the outbreak came to light on Feb. 21 now stands at 29,079 the agency said, the second highest in the world after that of the United States.
The number of confirmed cases amounts to 211,938, the third highest global tally behind those of the United States and Spain.
Italy’s true death toll from the disease is much higher than is reported by the Civil Protection Agency in its daily bulletins, national statistics agency said in an analysis of nationwide mortalities from all causes released on Monday.
The Civil Protection Agency said people registered as currently carrying the illness fell to 99,980 from 100,179 on Sunday.
There were 1,479 people in intensive care on Monday against 1,501 the day before, maintaining a long-running decline. Of those originally infected, 82,879 were declared recovered against 81,654 on Sunday.
The agency said 1.480 million people had been tested for the virus against 1.457 million the day before, out of a population of around 60 million.
The daily number of coronavirus deaths registered in Spain remained below 200 on Tuesday for a third consecutive day, the country’s health ministry said, as it reported 185 deaths in 24 hours.
The overall coronavirus death toll in the country rose to 25,613 on Tuesday up from 25,428, the ministry said, while the overall number of diagnosed cases rose to 219,329 up from 218,011 the day before.
