Global Covid cases surpass 524 million

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Online Desk :

The overall number of Covid cases has surged past 524 million amid a rise in new infections in parts of the world.

According to Johns Hopkins University (JHU), the total case count mounted to 524,539,523 while the death toll from the virus reached 6,280,921 Wednesday morning.

The US has recorded 82,720,354 cases so far and 1,000,167 people have died from the virus in the country, the data shows.

India’s Covid-19 tally rose to 43,125,370 on Tuesday, as 1,569 new cases were registered in 24 hours across the country, showed the federal health ministry’s data.

Besides, 19 deaths from the pandemic registered across the country since Monday morning took the total death toll to 524,260.


So far, 42,584,710 people have been successfully cured and discharged from hospitals, of whom 2,467 were discharged during the past 24 hours.

In North Korea, six more deaths and 269,510 newly detected fevers were reported Tuesday, the North’s emergency anti-virus headquarters said. Around 1.48 million people are down with fever and 56 dead in a matter of days, state media said.

After maintaining a widely disputed claim to be coronavirus-free for more than two years, North Korea announced Thursday that it had found its first Covid-19 patients since the pandemic began, reports AP.

Meanwhile, the Chinese mainland on Monday reported 162 locally transmitted confirmed Covid-19 cases, of which 77 were in Shanghai, according to the National Health Commission’s report Tuesday.

Following the recovery of 476 Covid-19 patients who were discharged from hospital on Monday, there were 5,359 confirmed cases receiving treatment in hospitals across the Chinese mainland.
