Global Covid-19 cases surge past 131 million


Online Desk

The global Covid-19 cases surpassed 131 million on Monday despite the rapid vaccination campaign across the world, according to the data compiled by Johns Hopkins University (JHU).
The JHU data shows that the global case count reached 131,203,647 as of Monday morning while the death toll from the virus mounted to 2,852,196.
The confirmed cases of Covid-19 surpassed 30 million in the USA alone on March 25.
The global death toll from Covid-19 now stands at over 555,001.
On Sunday, Brazil registered 1,240 more deaths and 31,359 new cases, with the total fatalities reaching 331,433, its health ministry reported.
Registering a total of 12,984,956 infections, Brazil is currently one of the global epicenters of the Covid-19 pandemic, with the world’s second-worst outbreak in terms of both deaths and infections, only after the United States.
As of Saturday, Brazil has vaccinated 24.5 million people against Covid-19. Among them, 19.18 million received the first dose while 5.32 million both doses.
India’s total tally reached 12,495,509 while the death toll 64,623.
