Global coronavirus cases exceed 8.9m


News Desk :
The confirmed coronavirus deaths recorded globally 4,71,197 with total cases 90,73, 717 and recovered 48,55,613 till Monday morning, according to the latest report from worldometer.
The worst-hit US has recorded 1,22, 250 confirmed deaths with total cases 23,56,841 while Brazil, the world’s second-worst coronavirus hot spot, recorded 50,659 coronavirus deaths with total cases 10,86,990 till Monday.
According to JHU data, Russia and India have come up to the third and fourth positions with 583,879 and 410,461 confirmed cases.
The UK has the third-highest death toll with 42,717, followed by Italy with 34,634, France 29,643 and Spain 28,323.
According to JHU data, Bangladesh has come up to 17th position with 112,306 confirmed cases.
Coronavirus cases were first reported in China in December last year.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the coronavirus crisis a pandemic on March 11.
