‘Global community accepted UN report’


Diplomatic Correspondent :
State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md Shahriar Alam has said that Myanmar’s rejection of UN investigation report on atrocities against Rohingyas by Tatmadaw matters a little when the global community accepted it.
“The report on Myanmar’s brutal campaign against the Rohingya was based on actual facts and findings. The UN investigators concluded that Myanmar’s military committed atrocities that “undoubtedly amounted to the gravest crimes under international law” and called for top commanders to be prosecuted at the International Criminal Court (ICC). So, it is “very natural” that Myanmar will reject it,” Shahriar Alam told reporters at a media briefing on Wednesday.
But Bangladesh is not worried much on Myanmar’s response when the international community accepts the report.
Shahriar Alam claimed that UN report is also an outcome of the successful diplomatic efforts carried out by the Bangladesh government to overcome the Rohingya crisis.
He said that the report unearthed very crucial information about the brutal torture on the Rohingyas and the elements of the crime against humanity committed by Myanmar. “This 20-page report is very important.”
The state minister, however, said still there is a long way to go to resolve the Rohingya crisis.
He said, Bangladesh is making efforts on three aspects — humanitarian, repatriation and trial of crimes committed in Rakhine — to overcome the Rohingya crisis. “We think that the UN report will intensify our three processes.”
Shahriar said Bangladesh is engaged with Myanmar maintaining patience to resolve the Rohingya crisis and keep the bilateral relations unhurt. “We’ll remain so in the days to come as well.”
Asked about the progress on the repatriation of Rohingyas after the Foreign Minister’s visit to Myanmar, he said, the work has begun, but still many things need to be done for the repartition. “Bangladesh wants a quick repartition, but it has to be sustainable, and we’re trying to ensure it.”
