Global Climate Strike: Youths urge global leaders to prioritize ‘People Not Profit’


City Desk :
Global Climate Strike 2022 was observed in Bangladesh with participation of hundreds of young people in front of the Jatiya Press Club in the city on Friday.
ActionAid Bangladesh, with 72 countries, organized this Climate Strike in collaboration with Fridays for Future and young people groups.
The goal of this climate strike was to urge all nations to act immediately in support of climate justice by sending a loud, yet nonviolent statement, according to a press release.
The strikers demanded that the government declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ and the world leaders must prioritize ‘People Not Profit’.
They also demanded for raising public awareness about the impacts of climate change and the actions needed to be taken to help the people already affected by it, reports UNB.
Their demands were highlighted through powerful slogans and thought-provoking placards in the strike, calling for – ‘Change your behavior, not the climate’, ‘My earth, my responsibility’, ‘Our future in our hand’, ‘Stop using fossil fuel’, ‘Don’t gift us a warm future, ‘Your fossil fuel development is destroying our future’, ‘Climate justice, now or never’, ‘Save environment, save human beings’, ‘Youth for Climate Change’, ‘Spread Love, Not Emission’ and many more actions.
“The Paris Agreement’s fundamental objective was for all signatory nations to abide by it, in order to safeguard the earth and provide a safe future for next generations. But global leaders have barely actualized the action points of the agreement”, said Nadira Sattar Meem, one of the participants in the climate strike.
“This climate strike will build momentum for children and young people to raise their voices together against the adverse effects of climate change. We cannot afford to continue to suffer in silence. It costs our lives,” said another striker.
The strikers also demanded acknowledgement and opportunities to participate in the upcoming COP27, which will be held in November in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, to share their thoughts and concerns.
Through this climate movement with young people joining from around the globe, including Bangladesh, they wish to continue fighting for climate justice, including in COP 27 this year.
