‘Give reply to govt’s fascist attitude thru’ vote’

UNB, Dhaka :
Leaders of pro-BNP professional’s platform Adarsha Dhaka Andolan on Sunday urged the young voters to give a befitting reply to the government’s fascist attitude through their ballots in the city polls on April 28.
Addressing a programme at the Jatiya Press Club, they also said the victory of BNP-backed candidates in the city polls will be the main source of power and inspiration for people to oust the current regime.
Doctors’ Association of Bangladesh (DAB), a pro-BNP physicians’ platform, organised the programme demanding restoration of voting rights and democracy and the release of BNP leaders and activists, including party acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir and joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.
“You (youths) need to do something in the city polls what we couldn’t do earlier. You must give a befitting reply to this fascist regime through ballots in the elections,” convener of Adarsha Dhaka Andolan Prof Emajuddin Ahmed said pointing at young voters.
He asked the voters to create something new on April 28 which will help the nation brighten its future removing uncertainty.
Criticising the government for its ‘undemocratic and autocratic attitude’, Emajuddin, a former vice chancellor of Dhaka University, said a fascist regime hardly cares about people. “No fascist regime had stayed aside on its own as people had to oust it. It’s only people not arms and machine require to drive out fascism.”
Hailing Mirza Abbas’ wife Afroza Abbas for carrying out hectic campaign in favour of her husband for the mayoral post of Dhaka South City Corporation, the professor said, “Mother you are not alone. We’ re with you and will be there with you always.”
Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury also commended the role of Afroza in carrying out electioneering in her husband’s absence. “Afroza demonstrated her courage. We want to see the same courage from Abbas, too.”
He urged Mirza Abbas to reach out to his voters, braving the cases, no matter how many. “We’ve got fed up with this regime. People will give their verdict against the government and the Election Commission on April 28 city polls,” he added.
Adarsha Dhaka Andolan member secretary Shawkat Mahmud, Sammilita Peshajibi Parishad acting convener Ruhul Amin Gazi and DAB president Dr Azizul Haque its secretary general ZM Zahid Hossain, among others, addressed the programme.