Give proper response to deaths by drowning, a silent epidemic


Every year thousands of children are dying due to drowning, but the government did not take enough measures to reduce the number of deaths, nor are the people becoming aware that absence of caution on their part can result in their little’s death. On July 25 the World Drowning Prevent Day was observed in Bangladesh as in other countries of the world. On the occasion, it was revealed that over 14,000 children die in Bangladesh because of drowning and it is the second leading cause of death of children in Bangladesh. This distressing revelation could not elicit much response from the government as well as a cross-section of people in Bangladesh.
Besides the government’s inaction to address, the media also failed to cover all drowning deaths, particularly those of rural areas. But gradually, media as well as activities of NGOs like the Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh’s (CIPRB) this menacing cause of deaths has drawn a little attention.
Up until now, there was no national strategy for the prevention of deaths from drowning. It was only on February 22, the Bangladesh government approved a three-year project against this silent epidemic. It is expected that the project involving an integrated community based centre for child care and protection, women enlightenment and swim-safe facilities will be able to reduce deaths by drowning in Bangladesh.
Not much funds are needed for such a project. Drowning is preventable through low-cost solutions. What is important is increased awareness among families and communities, providing safety and swimming skills for children and adolescents, ensuring childcare facilities for pre-school children, and national policies and investments for prevention.
It is proven that daycare centres or community crèche, training children on swimming and teaching people how to do Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to a drowned patient as first aid as well as awareness development can bring dramatic results in reducing deaths. A whopping 90 per cent death from drowning is prevented through community crèche and training children on swimming.
Since there are several components for prevention of drowning-crèche, swimming lessons, CPR and awareness development-multi-sectoral response will be more helpful.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), more than 320,000 annual deaths occur worldwide. The alarm bell is ringing very loud: any delay in taking up effective preventive measures against drowning means 14,000 annual deaths of children in Bangladesh every year.
