Gita Renaissance B’desh observes Independence Day


Gita Renaissance Bangladesh observed ‘Independence Day-2014’ in its temple at West Kafrul in the city on March 26.
The day was held with a befitting manners holding arts competition, recitation form Gita, recitation of poetry and performing of different songs.
Religious Scholar of Gita Renaissance Bangladesh Jugacharya Krishnadas Jisi Biswas Joy presided at the programme. Krishnadas Sonjita Dutta moderated the programme and Krishnadas Shamol Banarzee conducted the whole management.
Krishnadas Jisi Biswas Joy said that the aim our liberation war was to make non-communal spirit, where every one could enjoy equal rights.
But it was an unfortunate matter that we could not implement the aim completely, he said, adding that the new generation should come forward to implement the aim of the liberation war to make ‘Sonar Bagla’.
