Girl violated in Baraigram

Baraigram (Natore) Correspondent :
A school student Monosha Khatun (12) was raped by a wicket man Shafikul Islam (45) at Baraigram upazila of Natore on Sunday.
 Monosha Khatun is a student of class six of the Panchbaria Girl’s School and daughter of Mamun Ali of the village Zamaidighi under Baraigram upazila. Rapist Shafikul is a son of Sondesh Ali of the same village.
A case was filed in this connection on Monday by victim’s father Md Mamun Ali. Police investigated the spot on Tuesday last .
 Baraigram Thana OC Md Shahariar Khan ensured the matter and said rapist must be arrested in short time.