Girl violated in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
A 7 -year old poor girl of village Hedayetpur within Dema Union under Bagerhat Sadar Upazila was violated by a middle aged debauch of the same village named Abu Taleb (57) on Friday.
Police already arrested the rapist and sent him to the jail hajat through the court on Sunday. In this connection mother of the victim lodged a case with Bagerhat Sadar Model PS.
Locals said, the case was filed in the local PS that both father and mother of the victim are beggars. On Friday both of them left their house for begging. Taking the opportunity of their absence neighbourer Abu Taleb entered the house, committed rape on the girl forcibly and fled away. At the night the parents returned home and found their daughter seriously ill. Being informed of the matter from their daughter they decided not to disclose the matter to any body for fear of shame. But the mother was forced by some locals to bring the matter to the notice of the police.
On Saturday at night the mother lodged a case with Bagerhat Model PS in connection with the incident. On Sunday police arrested rapist Abu Taleb and sent him to the jail hajat through the court.