
Ingredients :
Dry white peas – 1cup
Ginger paste – 11/2 tbsp
garlic pods (crushed)- 4
green chillies – 4
cinnamon – 1 small stick
cardamom – 2 pods
bay leaf – 1
cumin seeds – 1tsp
onions – 2
tomatoes- 2
tamarind paste – 1tsp
chili powder-1tsp
garam masala powder -2 tsp
coriander leaves – a few to sprinkle on top
coconut scrapings – 2 tbsp
oil – 2 tbsp
salt to taste
Soak dry peas overnight. In the morning pressure cook it on sim for half an hour. Take a heavy bottomed vessel, add oil, splutter cumin seeds, then add cinnamon, cardamom, bay leaf fry for a few seconds.
Then add garlic, ginger, green chillies, fry for a minute and then add onions and fry.
After the onions turn pink add the tomatoes and tamarind paste and saute for a minute.
When the tomatoes turn soft and pulpy add chili powder and garam masala powder and salt.
Also add the cooked dry peas and coconut shreds and simmer for five minutes.
Garnish with coriander leaves and dash of lime juice. You can serve it with puris or it can be had otherwise.