Germany ready to help BD in climate fight

UNB, Dhaka :
German Ambassador in Dhaka Dr Thomas Prinz on Monday said they are ready to assist Bangladesh in its efforts to deal with the impacts of climate change.
“Due to its geography and its demographics, Bangladesh is amongst the countries that are most prone to experience negative effects of global warming,” he said in a statement. To show Germany’s support, the envoy said, German Federal Foreign Minister Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier joined his French counterpart Laurent Fabius in visiting Bangladesh in September. He got a firsthand impression of the effects of global warming on a country like Bangladesh, emphasised the Ambassador.
“Germany acknowledges that climate change has numerous dimensions. On one hand, we urgently need to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and preparation is essential on the other to adapt to the consequences of global warming. Hence, this combination of mitigation and adaptation is essential for a sustained solution in tackling climate change, underlined Ambassador Dr Prinz.
“Paris might be our final opportunity to jointly address the challenge of global warming by negotiating a legally-binding agreement to limit the temperature increase to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius.
The Climate conference in Paris is vital for our future. Germany will do everything that is necessary to contribute to a solution.
We have to act now!” Dr Prinz added. The envoy said, climate conference in Paris is vital for future and today leaders from all over the world gather in Paris for the long anticipated climate conference to find a global agreement to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius.
He also said climate change is no longer a distant perspective for their children and grandchildren as it is an urgent challenge for all. “Every day, somewhere in the world, violent cyclones devastate coastlines, destroying homes and schools; droughts ravage crops and cause water shortages; sea-level rise endangers coastal areas all around the world; heavy floods displace thousands and damage valuable farm land.”
Germany has been at the forefront of the fight against climate change. By heavily reducing CO2 emissions and by fostering innovative green power production through focusing on renewable energy, Germany has taken ambitious measures to tackle global warming. Besides, Germany has pledged more than 750 million Euros in support of the Green Climate Fund.