German, N Korean envoys present credentials to President


Ambassadors of Germany and North Korea to Bangladesh separately presented their credentials to President Abdul Hamid at Bangabhaban on Wednesday.
The resident envoys are Peter Fahrenholtz of Federal Republic of Germany and Pak Song Yop of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea).
During the presentation of German ambassador’s credential, the President said, “The relationship between the two countries is increasing day by day. Besides, bilateral relationship, trade and investment between the two countries are very excellent.”
Abdul Hamid stressed on exploring all possibilities in the interest of their respective countries and boost businesses and trade ties as there is a huge potentiality in various sectors to increase relationship.
Terming Germany a development partner of Bangladesh, the head of state said the relationship between the two countries should be extended further. He also stressed on the visits of government and private level stakeholders in both the countries.
German Ambassador to Bangladesh Peter Fahrenholtz praised Bangladesh’s achieving high GDP growth of 7.86 percent in 2017-18 financial year.
The envoy lauded the government’s initiatives taken for rehabilitating over one million Rohingyas who fled to Bangladesh from their Rakhine state homeland of Myanmar.
He said “Bangladesh gains the respect from the international community. I hope International community will provide more support and cooperation to solve the Rohingya problem.”
