Genocide Day observed in Port City

Md Ruhul Amin, Divisional Commissioner, Chittagong inaugurating parade at Padage ground near Chittagong College as Chief Guest organised by Chittagong District Administration on Sunday.
Md Ruhul Amin, Divisional Commissioner, Chittagong inaugurating parade at Padage ground near Chittagong College as Chief Guest organised by Chittagong District Administration on Sunday.
Chittagong Bureau :
The Genocide Day was observed in the port city with a renewed pledge to safeguard the hard earned independence by building a prosperous Bangladesh. The speakers at the programs of the first ever Genocide Day said the genocide in 1971 by the Pakistani Army was the ever biggest genocide in the world. They urged the UN and friendly countries to give reorganization of the genocide on Bangledeshi people in 1971.
The local administration, Chittagong City Corporation, Chittagong University and different political parties and socio-cultural organizations arranged elaborate program to observe the Genocide Day in a befitting manner. The local Shishu Academy had organized painting competition for the children and discussion meeting. In the afternoon, friendly cricket match was held at the local Stadium.
The Chittagong University observed the Genocide Day in a befitting manner on the University campus. The University administration, Teachers Association, and other organizations placed floral wreaths at the Independent memorial sculptors at the campus.
The Genocide Day programs started at CU with placing floral wreath at the memorial sculpture by VC of CU Prof Dr Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury along with his administrative officials at 8.30 am. Chittagong University Teachers Union, Faculty Dean, Hall Provosts, Political and Cultural Organizations also placed wreath at the CU memorial sculpture with a view to pay homage to the national heroes.
A discussion meeting held at CU ‘Mokta Mancha’ with VC Prof Dr Iftekhar Uddin Chowdhury in the chair. Besides, the political parties including Awami League, Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB), students organizations Chhatra League, Chhatra Union, Chhatra Dal, social organizations including Udichi, Bangabandhu Shilpi Ghosti, Projonmoya 71, Ghatok Dalal Nirmul Committee, Jubu Union, Jubu League, Amra Shahider Shantan, Terri Bazar Moholla Merchant Association etc held rallies in observance of the Day.