General patients are not going to hospitals


Staff Reporter :
Many general patients with fever, cold, breathing other problems are not going to the hospital due to coronavirus outbreak.
The reason for the corona panic and lack of medical care, the general tests are also stopped, the crowd is only in the corona hospitals.
Always extra patients were admitted to the hospital in the scheduled bed, but now the picture oppisite.
In general, those hospitals had used to swear for admission, now there are many empty beds. The picture is almost same everywhere in the public and private hospitals across the country.
Expert said that the situation of the hospital for corona panic among the doctor and patients.
In many hospitals are not being admitted patients if they have fever and respiratory problems.
Besides, most of the hospitals do not admit patients with common diseases without a certificate that does not have corona.
 “Hospitals used to have struggle to control rush of patients, but now it is almost patientless. Patients are unable to come due to the lockdown. Even, they are not getting required services,” said PM’s personal physician and UGC Professor ABM Abdullah.Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) has 1,904 beds. Now, the number of patients in indoor and outdoor departments of the hospital is much less. There is 45 percent decrease in the number of patients. The picture of Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) is the same.
The hospital has 2,600 beds. Many patients were admitted to the hospital in normal hours. At present there are only 500 patients. Same situation in most hospitals across the country.
