General Education Department faculty colloquium at ULAB

Weekend Plus Report :
General Education Department organised faculty colloquium recently where Selima Quader Chowdhury, Senior Lecturer, General Education Department (GED), presented her paper titled “Ottoman Architecture: Continuity and Changes in Nuruosmaniye, Ayazma and Laleli Mosques” on the occasion.
Professor Dr Muhammad Ibrahim, Head of the Department of General Education, Professor Imran Rahman, Special Advisor to the Board of Trusteesand other GED faculties, students and guests attended the colloquium.
In her paper, Selima Quader Chowdhury analyzed the evolution of novelty In Nuruosmaniye mosque and the changes that were seen in Ayazma and Laleli mosques. Nuruosmaniye, Ayazma and Laleli display a novel Ottoman architectural style, a fusion of classical Islamic and baroque European styling, exemplifying distinct eighteenth century Ottoman architecture.
The innovation exhibited by the three imperial mosques was distinctive. After the presentation, there was a question and commentary session where Professor Ibrahim and GED colleagues made their comments, questions on the paper.