Gen students burn effigy of DU proctor


DU Correspondent :
The general students have burned the effigy of the proctor of Dhaka University in the campus on Tuesday protesting his failure to protect them from BCL attacks on different occasions.
They also demanded the resignation of DU Proctor Professor Golam Rabbani on charge of inefficiency and negligence of duty.
The students under the banner ‘Students against Repression’ brought out a procession from the Teachers Students Center (TSC) on the campus and stopped in front of Raju Sculpture parading through Kala Bhaban Business faculty.
Later, they burnt the effigy of the university Proctor Golam Rabbani in front of the Raju Sculpture.
The students brought out the procession wearing colorful sunglasses.
“Whenever we go to the proctor with any of our demands, he is scared to look at us in the eye and even we do not want to look at the eyes of a failed proctor for he is failing to protect us. This is why we held the rally wearing colorful sunglasses,” Abu Rayhan Khan, a third year student of mass communication and journalism, told media.
