Gemcon V-Day Cup Golf begins


UNB, Dhaka :
The Gemcon Victory Day Cup Golf Tournament began at the Kurmitola Golf Course here on Friday.
Vice-Preident of Kurmitola Golf Club and Area Commander, Logistics Area, Dhaka Major General Mizanur Rahman Khan inaugurated the meet in the morning.
Vice-Chairman of the meet’s sponsor Gemcon Group Kazi Nabil Ahmed MP, Captain of Kurmitola Golf Club (KGC) Brig Gen Abul Fazal Mohammad Sanaullah, Tournament Committee chairman Brigadier General (retd) Abidur Reza Khan, CEO of Kurmitola Golf Club Col (retd) Sardar Hasan Kabir, and club’s general manager (golf operation) Lt Con (retd) M Abdul Bari (retd) were among others, present on the occasion.
