GCC polls stayed to avoid AL’s defeat: Hasanuddin It’s govt trick: Moin Khan

Staff Reporter :
BNP nominated mayor candidate of Gazipur City Corporation Hasanuddin Sarker on Sunday alleged that the government had played the role behind to stay the GCC polls to avoid its candidate’s confirm defeat.
“If a fair election would take place, the Awami League nominated mayor candidate must be defeated by at least two lakh votes’ differences. To avoid certain defeat, one of the ruling party man filed a write to stay the polls,” he said this in an instant reaction at a news briefing at his Tongi residence after the High Court’s three months stay order for the GCC polls
Hasanuddin Sarker said the Awami League was involved in conspiracy to stay this election after getting the real scenario of the voters. They understand that their candidate will surely be defeated in such circumstances and they wanted to stop the election by any means, he added.
The mayor candidate also said that he would start legal fighting against the Election Commission if it failed to hold polls in due time.
“We want vote nothing more,” Hasanuddin Sarker said.
BNP leaders and activists were found chanting different slogans during the press briefing demanding the vote in due time.
On the other hand, BNP Standing Committee Member Dr. Abdul Moin Khan at a function in the capital said staying of the GCC polls is the government’s tricks to avoid its defeat.
“The ruling party understands that their misrules pushed the voters to join with the BNP. The Gazipur people were waiting to vote for BNP in their city polls. The government wanted to avoid its candidate’s sure defeat. So, they filed a writ aiming to stay the polls,” said Abdul Moin Khan while addressing a discussion at the National Press Club on Sunday after noon.