Gaza attack: BD seeks US’ role to stop bloodshed


Bangladesh has urged the United States to take proactive role in stopping the bloodshed immediately amid Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
“The UN and other nations are surely trying and will continue to try. But we think the US has a scope to play the biggest role,” he said after his meeting with US Ambassador to Bangladesh Earl R Miller at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday.
While talking to a small group of journalists, including the UNB correspondent, Shahriar said the US is very closely monitoring the situation.
The US Ambassador
said they see and understand the sentiment of the people of Bangladesh.
The State Minister expressed Bangladesh’s deep concern about the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict and reiterated Bangladesh’s position that the UN Security Council needs to take up the issue, as stated by Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen at an OIC Executive Committee meeting recently. The State Minister also reiterated Bangladesh’s support for the two-state solution.
On Sunday, Foreign Minister Dr Momen said Bangladesh believes in a comprehensive and durable solution to the Palestinian issue in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quarter Road Map.
He said as the principal organ of the UN charged with ensuring international peace and security, the UN Security Council should take up the issue of violence and breach of security in the Al-Quds Al-Shareef and the entire occupied land of the State of Palestine.
