Gayeshwar, Aman sent to jail


Court Correspondent :
The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Court of Dhaka on Sunday granted bail to BNP leader Mirza Abbas while sent two other leaders: Gayeshwar Chandra Roy and Amanullah Aman to jail in a murder case. Metropolitan Magistrate Harun-Or-Rashid of the court passed the order Sunday after they surrendered to the court with separate bail petitions.
After the hearing on the bail pleas, the court granted bail to Mirza Abbas on a bond of Tk 50,000 and sent other two leaders to jail. Earlier, the High Court Division of the Supreme Court directed them to surrender to the subordinate court on Sunday as their 6-week bail period ended.
Later, on behalf of Aman and Gayeshwar, Advocate Sanaullah Miah submitted review petitions to the same court. However, the court did not change his earlier decision about the bail of two leaders.
Rampura Police Station’s Sub-Inspector Al Mamun filed a murder case with Ramna Police Station of the capital after a Shibir leader was killed during BNP-led 18-party’s march for democracy programme on December 29 last year.
