Gas, power price hike may hit living cost

Anisul Islam Noor :
The members of the fixed income group of people fear increase of living cost in view of hike in gas and electricity price to be effective from September 1.
The auto-rickshaw drivers have hinted of effecting new fare from the first of September in order to adjust the increasing gas price.
ATM Nazmul Hasan, Secretary of Dhaka City CNG Auto-rickshaw Owners Association, said there is no option than increasing fare per kilometer.
On the other hand, the bus workers have started realising higher fare from passengers soon after the announcement of gas price hike.
A banker, who maintains a family of six and lives at East Bashabo, said that his flat owner already increased the service charge by Tk 2,000 per month as the government had raised electricity tariff.
He said, “I have to count additional cost of Tk 3000 to 3500 per month although my salary remains unchanged.”
A female school teacher said, “I am now bound to pay Tk 650 for use of double burners. Previously we paid Tk 450. The impact of new gas and electricity tariff will be everywhere”.
“For this,” said Tafiq Ahsan, an employee of a private company, “Our monthly budget will soar, no doubt. I have no idea how to adjust the increased expenditures.”