Gas leakage behind Narayanganj mosque explosion: Titas


Staff Reporter :
Gas leaked from state utility Titas’s distribution line caused the explosion at the Narayanganj mosque that killed 31 people, revealed a Titas investigation into the incident.
The investigation, led by Titas general manager Abdul Ohab, traced at least seven leakages through which gas came out and accumulated inside the mosque at Tolla of Fatullah in Narayanganj.
‘Six of the leakages were the results of damage caused to Titas’s underground gas distribution line as the mosque,’ said Ohab at a press briefing at power, energy and mineral resources ministry on Thursday. The other leakage was caused when a consumer shifted his gas connection without informing Titas, he said.
Gas accumulated inside the mosque exploded likely from an electric spark, said Ohab.
‘The mosque had two power connections – one legal and the other illegal,’ said Ohab.
The mosque authorities used both the power lines depending on power interruption, he said.
State minister for power, energy and mineral resources Nasrul Hamid was present at the press conference at which Titas handed its probe report over to the ministry.
‘Everybody responsible for the accident will be held accountable,’ said Nasrul.
He said that he ordered Dhaka Power Distribution Company to take action against those responsible for checking illegal power connections.
