Gas found during tube-well sinking in Narsingdi

NARSINGDI: Local people found gas when they were sinking tube-well in on agricultural land at Monahordi upazila in the district recently.
NARSINGDI: Local people found gas when they were sinking tube-well in on agricultural land at Monahordi upazila in the district recently.
Narsingdi Correspondent :
 Local people traced out gas when they were sinking tube-well in on agricultural land at Monahordi upazila in the district recently.
The agriculture workers detected gas while they were working in the land of Abdur Razzak of village Pater Kanda recently at noon at Ghotashia union in the same upazila.
While visited the local people told this correspondent dent that the owner of the agriculture land Abdur Razzak planned earlied to sink a shallow tube well in his land aiming to irrigate water to the crops. Due to serve the purpose Razzak engaged machine men to sink a tube well in the eastern site of his home and they started to dig a 100 feet hole to set pipes for the tube well. But it became blocked ofter sinking 45 feets deep. The workers went to take rest for a moment with mental anguish as they failed to success the purpose.
The machine men came to the spot and saw the underground pipes came out and lying on earth automatically. They also saw black colored water with pipes. The workers filled by earth the month of the hole and left the spot giving on importance of the matter.
The next day the machine men went another land beside the same land and sow the gas passing through the month of the hole. After hearing the news upazila Nirbahi officer (UNO) of local Thana Alamgir Hossain, local union parishad (UP) chairmon Abdul Kader visited the spot.
UNO Mahmood Hassan said, 9 visited the spot along with Titas Gas sub-station engineer. The gas was indicated as withen gas and it was seen after primary test. he added, The information will be informed to the concerned authority soon. The perfect stuation might say specifically when the concern department will observe the spot.