Gas crisis hits city on first day of Ramzan


Reza Mahmud :
Serious gas crisis hit different areas of the capital city on Sunday creating untold sufferings to the homemakers as they failed to prepare Iftar items and daily meals for children on the first day of Ramzan.
City dwellers from Gandaria, Jurain, Dayagonj, Sayedabad, Jatrabari, Dhalpur, Wari, Lalbagh, Bakhsibazar, Jigatola, Dhanmondi, Mohammadpur, Ashkona and several parts of old Dhaka and Mirpur, Uttara and adjacent areas are suffering from gas crisis round the clock for past several days.
Meanwhile, the crisis got a serious situation at the night before the first day of Ramzan and the first day of the holy month, the sufferers have said.
“In last several days, I found very low gas pressure in my burners which disrupted cooking midday meals seriously. I used to bring ready food from restaurants for this problem. Then, I have started to cook early in the morning the whole day meals for my family members. But the crisis pushed me in untold sufferings on Saturday night when I tried to cook Sahry for the late night for taking preparation of observe fasting of the holy Ramzan at its first day as there were no gas till the deep night in burners,” said Rushnara Yasmin, a homemaker in Gandaria in the capital.
She said that there was no gas in her burners in the whole day of the first day of Ramazan to prepare Iftary and finally brought ready snakes from restaurant for her family members observe fasting.
Nazmin Begum, Rashida Sultana and some other homemakers of the area expressed similar bitter experiences on Sunday.
Mosharraf Hossain, a resident of old Dhaka’s Lalbagh area, also alleged that the gas crisis made acute sufferings for the people of his area.
 “We failed to take sufficient food at the Sahry on the first night of the holy month due to gas shortage in our home burners. Similarly people of the area failed to break the fasting by homemade Iftary for the very same problem,” he said.
People of the vast areas expressed their anger and frustrations for the problem saying it is a bitter experiences during Ramzan.
Asif Ahmed, a Ashkona resident of the capital said that there were acute gas crisis in the area for last two weeks and most of the people there living with ready food from restaurants.
When contacted an Engineer of Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited said that he found similar allegations of gas crisis in several areas but the reason is unknown to him.
When trying to contact, Engineer Md. Haronur Rashid Mullah, Managing Director of the Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited could not be reached several times for getting his comments in this regards.
