Garment workers forced to join rally!


AMID the ongoing political chaos, local English newspapers reported that production in many garment factories in and around the capital was halted as their workers were allegedly forced to join a rally in the capital yesterday. Apparently the Shipping Minister and the Garment Sramik Samannay Parishad hosted the meeting at the capital’s Suhrawardy Udyan protesting the indefinite blockade enforced by the BNP-led alliance, according to the reports. Reports added that immense dissatisfaction and worry followed the move as factory owners said they will suffer the most as thousands of their workers would abstain from work to attend the rally. A Gazipur-based knitwear exporter shared that they have already been counting losses every day since the blockade has been on as they can hardly transport their raw materials and finished products to and from the Chittagong Port and continuation of production is important now as many factory owners wait for the weekend (Friday) when the workers can reach their workplaces easily. Other garment factory owners said that the present political situation is very alarming for the garment business as it is the season for placing work orders, but the retailers are suspending their trips to Bangladesh for political unrest according to industry insiders. Reports indicate that the Shipping Minister had instructed the owners through some trade union leaders to send the workers to the rally. The Shipping Minister defended his actions saying that they will hold the rally in a bid to unite people to resist any anarchy and chaos in the country and further emphasized on the importance of the rally because the jobs of the workers are under threat from the prolonged blockade. Business leaders and garment exporters formed a human chain in the capital to protest against the current political situation and sought an immediate end to the political impasse to keep the country’s economy growing. Economic experts and well-wishers of the nation clarified again and again how the political instability is costing the nation millions of taka and forcing the economy earnings and money in-flow.The government is mostly blamed for this because this is a situation that could have been prevented by holding peaceful dialogue between the opposition leaders and showing genuine interest in upholding democracy. Mud-kicking and personal attacks against the opposition leader and pretending that the public do not see the government’s hypocritical actions will not solve the current issue. They must make genuine efforts to end this madness.
