Garment workers’ federation demands 30pc risk allowance

Economic Reporter :
The National Garment Workers Federation (NGWF) on Friday demanded a 30 per cent annual risk allowance for garment workers.
“Garment workers have been risking their lives to work in factories amid the ongoing pandemic situation and continuing production. So, the workers deserve the risk allowance,” said Amirul Haque Amin, President of the NGWF at a human chain in front of the National Press Club on Friday.
“On the one hand, there is a risk to life and on the other hand, uncertainty over employment and a rise in commodity prices – considering all this together, we have demanded a 30 per cent annual risk allowance,” he said.
The leaders of the organisation at the programme said garment workers always depend on overtime as their wages are low. Their monthly income has decreased due to a lack of overtime during the Covid-19 pandemic and other reasons. As a result, the workers now have to work longer hours for a lower income.
Additionally, in this time of crisis, garment factory owners have demanded that the government let them suspend the 5 percent annual increment of wages for workers for two years.