Hridoy murder in Barisal: Gang leader arrested, killing weapon recovered


Barisal Correspondent :
Barisal Metropalitan Police (BMP) Commissioner in a press conference at his office on Sunday afternoon said they arrested six including gang leader and recovered the sharp weapon in connection of killing the school boy Hridoy.
On other hand dead body of murdered school boy Hridoy handed over to his Father Ziaur Rahman Shahin after autopsy.
He buried at his family graveyard after Namaje Zanaja in Chinguria village under Vandaria Upazila of Pirojpur district on Sunday.
SM Ruhul Amin, commissioner of BMP in the press conference, said six teenagers arrested in connection of Hridoy killing were Raju Hossain Maji, 17, Said Abedin Abdullah Rahat, 17, Imon Shikder, 17, Murad Hossain, 15, Nurunnabi Nahid, 15 and Syeed Md. Yeasin Shanto, 17.
All them were SSC examinees of killing spot adjacent Govt. Technical School (upgraded as Alekanda government school and college).
The knife used by Murad for killing Hridoy also recovered by police, he added.
The BMP commissioner said, this was not same as Uttara Juvenile crime gang, but we thought that they engaged in some offence, clash and this was increasing.
We planned motivation meetings with all school authorities and students, to curb juvenile crime gang, Police Commissioner added.
After talking with local people and school authourities and interrogating the arrestees it was revealed that two groups of neighbouring educational institutions engaged in rivalry since long times ago on different issues including eve teasing, love affairs and spreading control over the area.
They also engaged in clash on these issues in different times and recently on two issues.
Firstly, Sabbir, a school clerk was teased by Sayeed and Hridoy protested and engaged clash with Sayeed and his associates on last November.
Secondly, Ahad, a friend of Hridoy, engaged in love with a girl studying class eight in his school and recently Sayeed also love proposed to her. Hridoy also engaged in clash with Sayeed.
Murad, a member of Sayeed gang, bought a knife by 350 taka, to take revenge.
While the students of the Technical School was going to Paresh Sagor field adjacent the Saheed Abdur Rob Serniabat Government School, Hridoy and his associates tried to attack Sayeed group on Saturday, quoting the accused, Police Commissioner told.
`Then Murad chopped Hridoy and associates beat him. Hridoy died of that injury. All of arrestees confessed about these facts in connection of killing Hridoy, the police commissioner added.
A house wife residing near the school told that Hridoy was seen to pass time regularly with his associates at the bank of that pond.
Some students class ten of Saheed Abdur Rab Serniabat School said the two groups engaged clash several times for different issues.
Hridoy was active and tried to lead any programme of the school. Last month he came to me to build a football team, said Papia Jesmin, headmaster of the School.
I recently heard Hridoy was engaged clash protesting teasing of clerk. I cautioned him not to engage in any clash, the headmaster added.
The killed victim Syedur Rahman alias Hridoy Gazi, son of Md. Ziaur Rahman Shahin from Chinguria village under Vandaria upazila of Pirojpur.
He lived Mamoni Coaching centre from four years.
Firstly he studied Model School and College of the city from six to eight and admitted in class nine at Saheed Abdur Rob Serniabat Govt. Secondary School.
