Party registration: Ganasanghati urges EC to reconsider its decision

Ganasanghati Andolan procession towards Election Commission office at city's Agargaon demanding to reconsider EC decision over party registration was intercepted by police near the Engineers' Institution auditorium on Thursday.
Ganasanghati Andolan procession towards Election Commission office at city's Agargaon demanding to reconsider EC decision over party registration was intercepted by police near the Engineers' Institution auditorium on Thursday.
UNB, Dhaka :
Leaders of Ganasanghati Andolan, on Thursday, urged the Election commission (EC) to review its earlier decision over the party’s application for getting registered as a political party.
The leaders of the party came up with the call at a rally in front of the Jatiya Press Club in the morning.
The speakers said the EC on October 30, 2016 issued a notice seeking application for new party registration and Ganasanghati Andolan submitted their application on
December 31, 2017 as per the rules. Later, on April 8, the organisation also submitted all the required documents as per the rule sof the EC and it was scheduled to conduct field-level inspection, if necessary, they said.
But the EC before any field inspection, cancelled the applications of 73 parties among 75 stating that they failed to fulfill the terms and conditions and regulations of party registration and they (EC) did not even give any explanation over it and their parity was one of the cancelled ones, Speakers added.
Ganasanghati Andolan Convener Zonayed Saki claimed that the rules and regulations set by the EC for the registration of new political party is contradictory to the constitutional rights of people.
The terms and conditions of the EC’s party registration rules were set in such a way so that intending new parties certainly fail to get registered, he added.