Gaibandha sugarcane farmers set crop on fire in protest

Our Correspondent :
The sugarcane farmers of Gaibandha set fields ablaze on Saturday, failing to sell their produce to the sugar mills during this year’s cane-crushing season.
The distraught farmers torched three sugarcane fields in Gopalpur village of Mahimaganj in the afternoon.
Also, they blocked the road in front of Rangpur Sugar Mills during the protest. Workers of state-owned mills joined them, too.
While the threshing season is about to end, the state-owned mills have suspended crushing operations, the protesters said. “The mills were supposed to buy sugarcane from us by this December, but they are closed now.”
Rangpur Sugar Mills stopped buying sugarcane this year, affecting hundreds of farmers across the district.
“We invested all of our savings on cultivating sugarcane – in the hope of generating some money by the end of the year. But all of our plans have been shelved now, following the suspension of sugarcane crushing at the mills,” the protesters said.
Also, they warned to continue their agitation until six state-owned mills including Rangpur Sugar Mills start buying their produce.
“The government must step forward to resolve the problem. We will continue the protest until our demand is met,” they said.
Rangpur Sugar Mills Sugarcane Farmers’ Federation and Workers and Employees’ Union jointly staged the protest.