Gafargaon Mohila Degree College taking money for certificate

Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent :
Principal of Mahila Degree College is allegedly taking extra money from the students who have submitted certificates at the time of admission at Gafargaon under Mymensingh.
It is alleged that the Principal of the College at Gafargaon has taken extra money in the name of giving testimonial of HSC examinees.
When contracted, the principal has admitted the matter.
Without giving any receipt he has collected Tk 500 to 1000 from each student who has passed the HSC examination this year.
 Some 251 students from Humanities and Science Group have passed the HSC during (2014-2015 session) from Gafargaon Mohila Degree College.
The guardians and students informed ,th he college authority has taken the main copy of SSC certificate and other necessary documents from the students at the time of admission in 2014-2015 session .
 It is learnt from the students who have passed the HSC examination this year . They informed that the college authority does not issue testimonial for HSC and main certificate of SSC without paying TK 500 to 1000 without receipt keeping the original certificate in college.
 Students alleged that Mir Jahangir Hossain, father of Jarin Tasnima Jimi, a student of poura area informed that he has to pay TK 500 for SSC certificate and testimonial of HSC but many students said, they have taken certificate and testimonial paying TK 1000.
Abdul Khalek, Principal of Gafargaon Monila Degree College said, the accountant of collect this money and inform me of this matter.
 He also said, there is no fund in Non-Government college. They need much money to run the non-government college and they have to bear the expenditure by this money.
Belayet Hossain,Upazila Secondary Education officer said, there is no fixed fee of Education Ministry and Education Board for taking certificate and testimonial. But it is a matter of this institution to collect extra fee for issuing certificate or testimonial .