G20 to go long on rhetoric, short on economic policy: experts

AFP, Beijing :
G20 leaders will meet in China this weekend in a climate of economic uncertainty and sluggish global growth — but the absence of an urgent crisis means the forum will be short on breakthroughs, analysts say.
Eight years after the first G20 summit in Washington, when countries coordinated a response to the financial meltdown, Beijing has set a modest agenda for the Hangzhou gathering — focusing on making the world economy “innovative, invigorated, interconnected, and inclusive”.
But as countries’ economic needs diverge — the US is mulling a rate hike, Japan is toying with fresh easing, Germany is sceptical of fiscal stimulus, Chinese overcapacity remains huge, and Britain has voted to quit the EU — the prospects for major unified action are dim.
“At the moment there’s simply not a lot of common overlapping interests between the major economies,” Christopher Balding, professor of economics at Peking University HSBC Business School, told AFP.