G20 members commit to early ratification of Paris climate deal

The Paris Agreement has charted the course for post-2020 global cooperation against climate change.
The Paris Agreement has charted the course for post-2020 global cooperation against climate change.
PTI, China :
The G20 members today agreed to complete their domestic legal formalities for the ratification of Paris climate deal as soon as their “national procedures allow”, a move which would provide more time to India to work out its own strategy keeping up with its developmental goals.
“We reiterate our commitment to sustainable development, strong and effective support and actions to address climate change. We commit to complete our respective domestic procedures in order to join the Paris Agreement as soon as our national procedures allow,” said the joint communique issued at the end of the G20 summit.
India came under pressure to ratify the deal after China and the US – responsible for around 40 per cent of the world’s carbon emissions – ratified the agreement ahead of the G20 summit and handed over their countries’ instruments of joining the agreement to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday.
India is still in the process of developing its industry amid its over 7 per cent growth rate, the highest in the world at present, and wants to expand its manufacturing in a big way.
The Paris Agreement has charted the course for post-2020 global cooperation against climate change, and it indicates that a cooperative, win-win, equitable and fair climate governance mechanism is being shaped.
“We welcome those G20 members who joined the Agreement and efforts to enable the Paris Agreement to enter into force by the end of 2016 and look forward to its timely implementation with all its aspects,” the joint statement said.
“We affirm the importance of fulfilling the UNFCCC commitment by developed countries in providing means of implementation including financial resources to assist developing countries with respect to both mitigation and adaptation actions in line with Paris outcomes,” it said.
“We reaffirm the importance of the support provided by the Green Climate Fund. We welcome the G20 Climate Finance Study Group Report on promoting efficient and transparent provision and mobilisation of climate finance to enhance ambition of mitigation and adaptation actions.”
“We look forward to successful outcomes in related multilateral fora, including the Montreal Protocol and the International Civil Organisation,” it said.
Earlier, as India resisted pressure from the US and China, who are responsible for around 40 per cent of the world’s carbon emissions, to ratify the Paris climate deal this year, Chinese official media said it is high time India showed it means “business” in limiting climate change effects.
The US and China’s ratification of the Paris climate deal have set an example for “other emerging and industrialised economies”, an oped article in the state-run Global Times today said.
“It is high time that the EU and India, the third – and the fourth-largest emitters, also show they mean business when it comes to limiting the effects of climate change,” it said.
India warded off pressure from China and the US at the G20 summit in Hangzhou when the US and China tried to set 2016 as a deadline to ratify the climate deal after they both ratified the pact and handed over the instruments to the UN.
India and several other countries believe they cannot ratify the deal due to various legal impediments, said NITI (National Institution for Transforming India) Aayog’s chief Aravind Panagariya, India’s Sherpa at the Summit, on Saturday. “There is no deadline to my mind but we will make submissions of progress,” Panagariya has said.
Today’s article said the US and China signing the deal is an “incredibly significant act towards the treaty coming into force, as it requires at least 55 countries that together account for at least 55 per cent of global emissions. With China and the US, 26 countries have ratified, accounting for 39.06 per cent of global emissions,” it said.
